ويقتلعون من أرضهم في منطقة غور الأردن
انخفض عدد سكان منطقة الأغوار, خلال 44 عاما بـ 264000 نسمة
قام الجيش الاسرائيلي اليوم بهدم 18 براكية وبناء في قرية فصايل الوسطى في منطقة غور الأردن. ونفذت عملية الهدم في الساعة السادسة صباحا بمشاركة عشرة جيبات عسكرية إسرائيلية, وسيارة تابعة للإدارة المدنية وثلاث جرافات. واقتحمت القوة الإسرائيلية فصايل الوسطى والفوقى, ومنعت الدخول إليها لأكثر من ثلاث ساعات.
ودمر الجيش تسعة بيوت وتسعة براكيات للحيوانات. وفقدت بذلك ا لعائلات بيوتها ومصادر رزقها. وضرب الجنود زوجة أحد المزارعين وابنته, لقيامهما بالإحتجاج على الهدم. وقام الجيش بقطع التيار الكهربائي. وغادر الجيش المنطقة بعد ذلك.
يعيش في فصايل مجموعة من البدو, واضطر الكثيرون منهم إلى مغادرة المنطقة والانتقال للعيش في منطقة بيت لحم, في أواخر الثمانينات واوائل التسعينات, بعد سلسلة من المضايقات من قبل الجيش, وتخضع المنطقة للجيش الاسرائيلي, باعتبارها منطقة سي حيث حرمت من الميزات الممنوحة لمناطق بي، في الضفة الغربية.
ويقع غور الاردن إلى الشرق من فلسطين, وتحد أجزاؤه الجنوبية نهر الأردن. ومساحة منطقة الأغوار تصل إلى 28.5 بالمئة من مساحة الضفة الغربية, وهي أكثر المناطق خصوبة. وأقامت إسرائيل 30 مستوطنة في المنطقة, وتسعة بؤر استيطانية, 24 قاعدة عسكرية كبيرة وصغيرة. وتقلص عدد سكانه من 320000 ألف في الفترة بين 1948-1967 إلى 56000 حاليا, نتيجة المضايقات الإسرائيلية. ويصل عدد المستوطنين فيه إلى تسعة آلاف, منحتهم إسرائيل امتيازات اقتصادية.
Today Israeli forces demolished 18 structures in Fasayel, Southern Palestinian Jordan Valley.
At 6 o'clock this morning, about 10 military jeeps, one civil administration car and 3 bulldozers entered Fasayel Wasta and Foqa, turning the area into a 'closed military zone', preventing anybody entering the village for more than 3 hours.
The army demolished 9 homes and 9 animal shelters, leaving 9 families homeless and destroying the means of production of 9 of them.
All but one had got a demolition order 3 months ago.
Soldiers attacked one farmer's wife and daughter, hitting both of them.
Moreover, the army cut an electrical line that provides electricity to Fasayel Wusta area. Now residents don't have any access to electricity.
See the Jordan Valley Solidarity website: http://tinyurl.com/3b2qclj
The latest report says that the army have now left.
Fasayal Al Wusta is home to a small community of Bedouin, many of whom travelled to the area from Bethlehem during the late 1980s and 90s following harassment by the army. Fasayal Al Wusta lies in Area C, and it's inhabitants are thus denied the basic necessities afforded to their neighbours in Area B. This includes water, and electricity from the power lines that criss cross above their homes to Area B and the surrounding agricultural colonies (settlements) of Tomer and El'Fasail.
The Jordan Valley is located in the East of the West Bank, with the southern parts bordering the Dead Sea and the eastern parts bordering the Jordan River.
The valley comprises 28.5% of the entire West Bank and has the most fertile land in the region. It was occupied by Israel in 1967 and is now home to 30 illegal settlements, around 9 outposts and 24 military bases of varying sizes. As a result of the Israeli policy in the area, the Palestinian population of the Jordan Valley has decreased from 320,000 in 1948-1967 to 56,000 today. Despite the amount of settlements the settler population is only around 9000, with most of them being economically motivated farmers.
Almost all of the Jordan Valley was classified as “area C” under the Oslo accords and is therefore under Israeli military control. Settlements and closed military zones control around 95% of the Jordan Valley, leaving it inaccessible to the indigenous Palestinian population. Israel also controls almost all the water resources
The Jordan Valley is located in the East of the West Bank, with the southern parts bordering the Dead Sea and the eastern parts bordering the Jordan River.
The valley comprises 28.5% of the entire West Bank and has the most fertile land in the region. It was occupied by Israel in 1967 and is now home to 30 illegal settlements, around 9 outposts and 24 military bases of varying sizes. As a result of the Israeli policy in the area, the Palestinian population of the Jordan Valley has decreased from 320,000 in 1948-1967 to 56,000 today. Despite the amount of settlements the settler population is only around 9000, with most of them being economically motivated farmers.
Almost all of the Jordan Valley was classified as “area C” under the Oslo accords and is therefore under Israeli military control. Settlements and closed military zones control around 95% of the Jordan Valley, leaving it inaccessible to the indigenous Palestinian population. Israel also controls almost all the water resources
The campaign
The Jordan Valley Solidarity campaign is a grass roots movement of local and international volunteers. The campaign’s aim is to support Palestinians to stay on their land in the Jordan Valley, particularly in area C. Our large network of volunteers and strong links with activists’ organizations strengthens our resistance. By supporting local communities to create their own facts on the ground, JVS stands in solidarity with the indigenous population’s resolve to exist and therefore to resist the illegal Israeli Occupation.
JVS current activities include building houses, clinics, solidarity schools and kindergartens, linking communities to water resources, documenting Israeli violations, responding to emergency situations such as supporting families to rebuild after demolitions and spreading information globally.
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